Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Like me, for example?

Steven Weinberg is a great scientist, and one has to grant that his profession of atheism has a certain existential seriousness which is lacking in many of his contemporaries. As such he is quite representative of the prejudices of the age: a) the reduction of reason: if we learnt to "worship nothing" we would stop being human, and b) that religion is just the things we make up to explain our place in the universe. However, it is also possible that something might HAPPEN.


Anonymous said...

What do you mean by "HAPPEN"?

Anonymous said...

I mean Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of which...Lorenzo Albacete recently had a debate ("conversation") with Christopher Hitchens and I wanted to know if they taped it and if it's possible to order that?

Anonymous said...

Looks like it the video is here:
