Thursday, September 28, 2006

A recipe for slavery

This reflects a problem across the board, not just with history. Quite simply, proposing the past is just not part of the way most US educational institutions understand themselves. Quite often the curriculum in the humanities is dominated by "pseudo-science" (psicology, anthropology, sociology, social studies, multiculturalism, diversity theory, feminism, all kinds of moralistic fluffiness etc.) Not much education results.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What you call "pseudo-sciences" are social sciences; they are not part of a Humanities curriculum.

The history and civic education of our universities students is a real problem, we need to take more classes from the humanities curriculum, but that does not means that we can scorn the social sciences. They are essential to understand our world. Pure sciences need what you called "pseudo-sciences". Brief example: they need psychology "pseudo-science", to understand the human learning process and transmit their scientifics findings in an effective way. Also, antropology and all the other "pseudo-sciences" are tools to understand better this marvel that is the world that God gave us.

My point was this: social sciences are not humanities, although they are linked as with all other disciplines, because all of them refer to the One, to God.